After a business trip to Florida this past week, I showed up at Gibson Ranch Park in Elverta, without much training or basis (just 3 1-hour sessions on the bike over the past two weeks). To confirm that you had better train if you want to be competitive...
I car pooled on Saturday morning with Scott (Dunlap). Including the return trip, we spent over 4 hours chatting about running of course but even more about work, and parenthood too. Scott has amazing ideas about e-commerce, bringing the power of mobile computing and Internet to brick-and-mortar retailers, making such discussions fascinating and really entertaining. I had initially registered for the 50-mile but, given the injury, I decided to switch to the 50K. Furthermore, only the 50K counted for the USATF Grand Prix, so that made the decision a no brainer. Jed Smith Ultra Classic actually offers a third distance, a 30K (non ultra). the 50-mile starts at 8am, the 50K at 8:30 and the 30K 30 minutes later. These staged starts gave us the opportunity to see the start of the 50-mile and take pictures of all the runners after they completed their initial out-and-back mile before the 15 loops (see my Picasa photo album). Todd Braje took off and would keep the lead the whole way.
Despite these goals, I started on a faster-than-needed pace of 6:34 for the first two laps. After 10 miles, I started feeling the inflammation and slow down a bit. Then, to my surprise, I felt a cramp coming in my calf by mile 12. With nineteen miles to go, that did not seem right at all. The cramp eventually passed as I was working on my sodium but, by mile 21, both calves were torn out as I was going though the wall. I was so ashame of having to slow down to 8+ min/mile pace and got convinced Scott will catch me in the next three laps (Scott is the only runner I would never see on the course as we stayed within 5 minutes of each other all the time). That kept me jogging the whole way, even having to sprint when I finally saw Eduardo closing the gap in the last hundred yards. I finished in 3:51, almost 9 minutes slower than my PR, but finishing still, so meeting my first goal. I went for a very short run this morning to losen the calves up. The injury has not totally disappeared, but it is bearable. There is so much to do to prepare for the Napa Valley marathon in three weeks (my birthday run!), I may have to train through some pain. Photo courtesy of Michael's father:

- 1. Chikara Omine won the 50K in 3:08. That is a 6:03 min/mile pace or a 2:38 marathon on the way!
- 2. Todd Braje won the 50-mike in 5:30. That corresponds to an average 6:36 min/mile pace or two 2:53 marathons back to back! After his 3:30 win at Way Too Cool 2008, his win at Helen Klein, we are going to see Todd on a lot of podiums this year. Unless he gets caught in the US 100K Team regimen, which would impose a limited number of international races.
- 3. Last but not least, our local Ultraholic, Michael Kanning completed the 50 miles in 6:23, taking third overall, just 4 minutes behind Sean Meissner. At only 17, Michael improved his Helen Klein PR my more than 26 minutes and came short of 7:29 minutes of Karsten Schulz' US 50-mile trail record set in 1977 at JFK (which raises the issue of trail comparison, Jed Smith being almost flat while JFK has some quite technical sections from what I have seen on the Appalachian Trail). Anyway, this is an amazing performance and I was proud to see Michael holding the pace for so long after some missfortune last year. This is extremely promising and it will be exciting to see Michael focusing on road racing this year. By the way, like me, Michael is a Brooks ID'er (Inspire Daily program) and a Brooks aficionado!
Although I carried my Gu2O bottle the whole way (sorry, don't like Gatorade!), it was very convenient to have two aid stations on the course, one every 1.5 mile. A big thank you to Dennis, the Race Director, to the Buffalo Chips running club for setting up such a professional event (including ChampionChip timing!), to the volunteers at the aid station, and a special thank to the volunteer who stationned for hours at the entrance of the second loop and provided personal encouragements (we saw him 18 times on the 50K!). Apart from the chilly temperatures at the start, the loop format made it very easy for the crew, some bringing comforting support as you can see!
By the way, I missed Jed Smith last year because of my participation to The Coastal Challenge in Coasta Rica. I was looking forward to tracking the race on the web last week, especially to see what Scott Jurek was up to but, unfortunately, not a single update has been posted on the TCC website. I hope they are OK and that is just due to the lack of connectivity in the rain forest. Actually, I finally found the updated site ("another" official site). Results: defending 2008 champion, Javier Moreno from Coasta Rica, won again this year. He was followed by David James (3rd last year - I finished second, in debt of David who pulled me out of a creek in the 5th stage). And Scott Jurek placed third. I look very much forward to hearing Scott's recount of this adventure on his blog (check his last post about hibernating - This -hibernating- I feel I've done well in December but maybe one month was not enough...).

I can't believe how many talented people there were out there. I hope you heal well and soon, and start really tearing things up. Not sure about training through the pain, but mabe I'm a bit of a wimp :)
bien sûr, tu n'as pas fait le temps que tu souhaitais, mais, sans réél entrainement et avec les problèmes de mollets en plus, ce n'est tout de même pas mal!
Souhaitons fort que la forme s'améliore d'ici le 1er Mars...
9 mins off your PR is not bad at all given your lack of training and injury. SOLID performance!
Nice job, Jean! I was out there just watching and gave you a few hoots around 9am or so.
From one asthmatic (and Brooks ID'er) to another, GREAT JOB!
Jean, it was great to see you out there! I think the fact that you fell short of your PR by just 9 mintues after all those weeks of injury problems is not bad at all. Congratulations!
I am also aware that the JFK50 course is more difficult that that of Jed Smith. I did some research on the Schulz guy and, from what I could find, this is someone who ran a 4:11 mile and won some New England track championships that very same year he set the 50 mi record, so I think if I were to go head to head with a 17 year old version of him at this point I wouldn't stand a chance. But, a record is a record, and I hope to give it another shot at Helen Klein or before then.
Jean Pommier featured in article about the Napa Marathon:
Check it out!
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