We added this race to our Grand Prix in 2023. Unfortunately, pushed to the side of the road by a large truck drifting from its lane after Vallejo, I blew up a tire and missed the start. Last year, I was signed up but no show with my freshly broken meniscus. After a good test with No Hands Half in January, I was excited to finally make it to the start this year.
I left home by 5 am and arrived to the start at 7:25 am. For a great improvement, 8 other club mates showed up this time, way to represent! (Chak not on that picture.)
After a few weeks with some much needed and welcomed rain, the conditions were perfect again: soft ground, not too muddy, and thin layer of clouds, clearing up at times in the morning. This time, I made sure to get close to the start line which allowed me to get in the top 15 before we got onto the narrow single trail.
I was in Paul Broyer's footsteps for the first mile and passed him as we got on the Western States trail. One runner had passed three of us running together but I passed him before getting to the legendary No Hands bridge. No stopping at the aid station and up K2 we were, together with a half-marathon runner, with a blue top. In January, then on the half marathon, I had run a good portion of that super steep hill but not this time: I just focused on power walking, knowing there will be another race starting at the top. There was a another 35K runner well ahead of us whom I couldn't close in as I was trying hard to save my breath. This hill is such a beast!
At the top, I thought that we were on for a nice flat loop around Cool. Oh my, I'm so bad at reading maps... I had seen a bit of a dip but certainly not realized we were going down to the American River, once more!
At the next aid station, the volunteers announced 4.8 miles before coming back to them and I asked if we were going to retrace the same route. As they responded affirmatively, I had assumed it was an out and back. For the next 2 miles, down to the river, I was surprised not to see the lead runners then, only to realize at the bottom that we were going up on a different route. From time to time I could still see that same runner as on K2, a minute or so ahead but, more importantly, I could spot 2 yellow jerseys behind, Paul being in the second. That emulation kept me pushing as hard as possible in the uphills, dang!
I picked a GU gel at the aid station and kept pushing upstream, literally, as that trail section had turned into a creek! Eventually, I caught up and passed that runner ahead, before Cool. I still had no idea how many other runners were ahead but I was resolute to at least resist the charge behind.
From a quick look at the course map last week, I estimated that we were returning to Auburn on the same finish as the No Hands Half Marathon course of January. Which was on the long side, with 13.7 or 13.8 miles. Well, this time, we kept going until we crossed the road which I remembered from quite a few finishes at American River 50-mile. Granted, we needed more mileage to get to 35K, we had to go farther. I was still moving reasonably well in my opinion, passing more Half Marathon runners, when I spotted a yellow jersey a few hundreds yards behind, yikes! This course is relentless, I had to give more!
I finished in 8th place in the Men (chicked x2!), 3:13:12, 4th Masters and winning my age group this time, by a good margin. I should have been super happy with that result, except that the overall winner had crossed the finish line almost 40 minutes ago! Oh well, 87% UltraSignup score for me, when age is NOT just a number... ;-)
Short of being able to race, Shiran snapped a few pictured of my finish.
And that yellow jersey? It was Markus Lampinen, 38, of San Francisco, who finished 3 minutes and a half behind. Followed by Paul right on 3:19.
Worth more than thousands words to describe this course, here is a Relive flyover (click on this link or the picture below).
Despite the slow time, relatively to first place, I'm so grateful for being back to racing competitively. And I'd be happy NOT to still be the fastest on our team... A team which did quite well actually: at 18, Keahi Jack finished 13th overall in 3:19:17. Bjorn in 25th place, then Chak and Richard in 43rd and 44th respectively, Kellen, 11th in the women division, Bob, 75th overall, our Captain Gary in 78th and Keith in 83rd. 9 finishers total but we will only score two teams, one Men, one Mixed.
Speaking of teams, I'm blown away and very pleased to see a new club taking the spotlight in the Mixed division with SRA Elite having the top 1, 3 and 5 spots overall: Garrett Gardner, 2:34:52, Peyton Bilo, 3rd overall and first female, then Gallen Faris. Way to represent the Sacramento area and make a big impression on our Sub Ultra Trail Series! Looking forward to seeing you on Mt Diablo and Horseshoe next month, then in September/October for the last 2 races.
And an additional wow for Jonah Backstrom who, at 51, took 2nd. He was so happy for having broken his 2:40 goal which was Tim Tollefson's winning time of the original edition in 2015 (before Tim set a 2:24:33 course record in 2023).
I took 2 Vespa before the race, 4 GU gels during the race, especially as boosts before the climbs. I realize after the race that I had drunk most of my GU2O/GU Brew bottle but almost nothing from my water bottle, oops! And 2 S!Caps did the trick, sodium wise, as it wasn't hot.
Great finisher medal and tee, recto and verso!
A note on my shoes: I took the risk of running in a new pair of Brooks Pure Grit. Not the latest model as the box sat in my garage for at least 7 years, but the second generation, with an exceptional grip. It was the perfect shoe for the trail conditions, great bet!
For the anecdote, I kind of push shoe mileage quite far, here is a pair of the original Pure Grit I retired a few weeks ago, after the sole pretty much disintegrated, after 844 trail miles... A pair I started using in 2012, time flies.
The drive back home wasn't as pleasant as the way in, with a lot of traffic and a few jams on 80. After spending more than an hour at the finish, I was back home by 4:30, in time to start this blog but crash for an early bed time. Busy Sunday with home projects but I was able to run a 5K loop to get the legs moving. Some soreness but not too bad as I didn't cramp during the race. Meaning there is still room for pushing harder. But not too hard to save the knee. That is the new dilemma...
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