Saturday, June 29, 2024

I'm not Djokovic, but...

This is quite an unexpected connection to my running journey. To be honest, I’m not a big fan of that tennis GOAT. While I played tennis and enjoyed it as a kid, I must prefer the simplicity of running, an activity you can do without much setting, anywhere and whenever you want. As for Djokovic, his arrogance has always been troubling to me and that went through the roof with the way he handled the COVID restrictions with so much disdain. So, what is that connection in the title? After erring for a few months about what to do with my knee, tossed around between those saying that meniscus heal by themselves, that surgery is overrated, I finally saw a specialist in Paris early June, the day after he and his colleague worked on… Djokovic’s meniscus! When you see framed jersey of famed soccer players in the waiting room (e.g., MbappĂ©, Giroud), you know you are in good hands. (Photo credit @DjokerNole.)

The arthroscopy is scheduled for July 1 and mostly aims at taking away a piece of cartilage which is floating around in my joint. This is the source of painful and quick inflammation anytime I’m trying to jog, at least I’m glad that there is a mechanical explanation and a sensible plan to get rid of it. I only wish I had gotten the MRI and diagnosis the next day of my injury, but I’m not Djokovic… And I wasn’t into spending tens of thousands of dollars which that would have costed in the US…

With the prospect of returning to running a few weeks after the surgery, I’ve been more motivated to invest into cardio and strength training again: rowing machine, 50 to 100-mile bike rides, high intensity elliptical sessions, hamstring curl and leg press. Quite motivated because, as the surgeon stated, I must have lost a lot of muscle with months off running. As opposed to Djokovic who got surgery a couple of days after his injury, with his incredible will to get back to top competition at Wimbledon and the Olympics weeks later!

However, what I don’t know yet is what the knee will allow me to do, running wise. What is left of my running journey and career. How the knee will hold on uneven trails for instance. What I know for knowing me too well is that I will most likely keep thinking and, most probably, even overthinking about it.

In another form of serendipity, I ran, figuratively speaking, into the famous Brian Pilcher in the SFO lounge on my way to Paris. Brian holds 3 M60-64 American Records for 25K, 30K and the marathon mark (2:42:42) all set during the same event at the 2016 BOA Chicago. He also holds the M65-69 12, 15 and 10K records. A pinched nerve in the hamstring prevents him from training enough to keep racing aggressively though, now. It is so hard to accept that we aren’t unbreakable machines…

With that, hopefully more good news in a few weeks, and opportunities to see some of you at races or on the trails again!

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Quicksilver 100K 2024: challenging therapy...

I know, I keep saying and reminding myself, this isn't cancer. But I'm still very much struggling. Nobody is of course, I was certainly not meant to be an injured runner either. So much that thinking about running hurts. I'm trying to stay away from Facebook where I am connected to more than a thousand running buddies. I've passed on Ken's plea to help at Miwok because I didn't want to spend a day deep in the running spirit. These past years I've made a practice of recognizing injured runners which leveraged their recovery time to give back even more to our running community. I found that admirable. Not that this come as a surprise: since I got into ultra running in 2006, I've been surrounded and served by many ex runners. If it wasn't for them, we wouldn't have so many races.

This weekend marked the 5th and last DNS of the year. I missed Jed Smith 50K because if a minor calf injury and I wanted to be extra cautious not to come back to fast. Then I badly blew up my knee on my birthday, a week before the 50K Road Nationals in March. Having turned 60, I was excited to kill it and compete for a 16th Age Group win of our local Mountain, Ultra, Trail Grand Prix. My first race in this new age group was Knickerbocker 35K in Auburn. 3rd no show. Then Horseshoe Half Marathon in April, for DNS #4. This time, there is some progress, I made it to the check-in at Sports Basement

To tell you how much I am struggling, I've dream running 100 grueling kilometers to the last minute. I was so tormented that I had the typical bad sleep we often experience before big races. And I showed up at the Hacienda parking lot at 3:15 am. Out of 10 editions, this would have been my 9th Quicksilver 100K, I'm getting used to the insane early start, almost a routine.

So tormented that I had to talk to my Sports Medicine doctor in France on Friday to check if it was ok to run long with such pain. I know, it's foolish to even have such thoughts, although I know of quite a few other ultra runners pushing it through pain that bad. Being at the start, seeing and feeling the vibe was tough. At least I was able to do it, and help my running club and this community which I'm so passionate about.

I worked on the parking monitoring duty, at the main gate. This year, Bob was quite happy with the overall result, it went quite smooth thanks to a lot of preparation of the field this past week, as he assembled a team of volunteer to cut the grass before the County actually showed up to do it. That gave ample spots for all the 100K runners, well deserved location near the finish line after such an effort, while the 50K runners had to park on a remote lot like last year. Grateful to everybody for complying with our directions! Under Bob's direction, our overall Chief Volunteer Officer, great teaming with Jim Yates, Jeff Eisenman, Jeff Pace and John Shi.

I got a glimpse of the start at 4:30 am, under a wonderful star show:

On the 100K, we had runners arriving until 5 minutes before the start! One actually got in 20 minutes late, only to come back to the start one hour later, after missed a turn and the course monitor who had moved to another location. Stuart, co-RD, drove him back to the turn he missed, first class service!

The sun, with its heat, starting hitting the Hacienda entrance area right for the 50K start.

One particular incident on that race too: one of the leaders had forgotten his bib and had to run back down the hill and start over...

I helped at the start/finish area for another 30 minutes then drove up to the Hicks aid station. As I arrived, Chief Entertainment Office and Chief Fun Officer, Greg Lanctot, was working his magic, at an aid station which isn't lacking any under Clare's leadership already!

That was after the early morning and dawn rush of getting the first passage of the 100K runners through, and minutes before the 50K runners made their turnaround at mile 6. Note the European touch with the flags (and Clare's UTMB finisher jacket). Much appreciated by Christine.

I stayed until the return of the first 100K runner, the most anticipated Steven Kool, returning 2023 champion.

After 9 editions, I still own the 9th fastest time, these things don't last for ever... 

For a big change, no finisher medal or award on this race goodies picture. What a bag this year but, please, if you are a runner, do NOT use it as drop bag next year, please...! The ice bandana had a lot of success for what was going to be the first heat training session of the season for most, well done!

As for the small race logo on the back of the t-shirt, that is certainly original, I had never seen such design.

With that, at least this is a same-day race report, short of having run it and even knowing the results. I still don't know when, or even if I'll get back to running. But I know that, if I'm getting back, I'll be even more appreciative... There is that... 14 finishes at this event (8 x 100K between 2015 and 2023, skipping 2020, 2 x 50-mile in 2009 and 2013, 4 x 50K between 2010 and 2014), I can't wait and stop dreaming...

PS: a few more pics while I'm at at it.

A Stevens Creek Strider!
Chris Garcia
Christine Chapon
With Greg
Amanda Williams (wife of legendary Mark Williams, first ever to finish Barkley)

Miranda Siva, sweeping the course with Ellen Taylor